Consul General Shinozuka's courtesy visit to the GA State Representatives at the Capitol (January 22, 2016)
On January 22nd, Consul General (CG) Takashi Shinozuka paid a courtesy visit to Georgia State Representatives Joe Wilkinson, Tom Taylor and Trey Kelly at the State Capitol. CG Shinozuka expressed his gratitude for their kind support for the Consul General’s primary duties that include 1)supporting nearly 9,000 Japanese nationals and over 600 Japanese businesses operating in Georgia and 2) fostering mutual understanding and strengthening relationship between Japan and Georgia in various areas at all levels. While extending a warm welcome to the new Consul general, the Representatives expressed their appreciation for the contributions of Japan's FDI to the state’s economy and offered a continued support for the Consulate General's activities to better the relations between Japan and Georgia.
From left: Representative Wilkinson, Consul General Shinozuka, Representative Kelley, Representative Taylor at the Capitol